Discover the genuine
italian taste
About us
What is Osteria
The word Osteria means tavern. In Italy it was originally a place serving wine and simple food. Lately, the emphasis has shifted to the food, which menus tend to be short with an emphasis on local specialities. Osteria was a perfect place for a cheap lunch, cater for after work and evening refreshment.
Our philosophy
It is not enough just to go somewhere for a dinner. We want that each guest feel at home in here. Quality and satisfaction are our priority. In Osteria dell'Opera are preparing dishes from the best and freshest ingredients according to original Italian recipes prepared with the most important ingredient. Love.



5 / June
Acustic Music
Friday 5.6.2015 start 18:00

11 / June
Jazz and
Thursday 11.6.2015

25 / June
Italian night
in Osteria Dell Opera
Thursday 25.6.2015
- Osteria dell'Opera
- Gorkého 5
- Bratislava, Slovakia
- Euphory K. & I. s.r.o.
- Laurinska, 8 81101 Bratislava
- IČO: 46356398
- DIČ: 2023361076
- V. Okr.Reg. Okr. Sudu Bratislava:
- Oddiel: sro Vložka čislo: 76075/B